ITO Mojitos & Cafecitos in North Beach, Florida

ITO Mojitos & Cafecitos is located at the bottom of a hotel in North Beach, with its parking area separating it from the beach. I like this part of Miami Beach, as it’s not filled with sunburned tourists.

I sit at one of the outdoor tables, and without even thinking about it, I order one of each antojito or “appetizer” for those not hip to the lingo.

ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos Menu from North Beach, Florida
ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos Menu

I’m by myself, and I’d like to make it to the burger I ordered, so it’s a slow and easy time with the apps.


My thoughts on each one

Croquetas – So good I invited them to participate in the upcoming #SoBeWFF Croquetas and Champagne event

Serrano Ham Croquetas from ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos in North Beach, Florida
Serrano Ham Croquetas w/Blueberry Jam

Queso Frito (Fried Cheese) – Can’t-miss; not the first time I’ve had this combo, but it’s great

Queso Frito from ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos in North Beach, Florida
Queso Frito w/Guava Sauce

Empanadas – Never had Aji Amarillo Chicken in Empanada form before; it works

Aji Amarillo Chicken Empanadas from ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos in North Beach, Florida
Aji Amarillo Chicken Empanadas w/Cilantro Aioli

Yuca – Probably my least favorite of the five antojitos, but still pretty good

Yuca Bites from ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos in North Beach, Florida
Yuca Bites stuffed w/Queso Fresco on Cilantro Aioli

Sweet Plantains – Platanitos (Plantains) + Queso Fresco (Cheese) + Guava + Bacon = Must order

Sweet Plantains from ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos in North Beach, Florida
Sweet Plantains w/Queso Fresco on Bacon Guava Sauce

Burger, Steak & Dessert

I wasn’t expecting much from the Billy Burger (named after Chef Billy G) but perked up when I saw it had Miami Smokers (R.I.P.) bacon. What sold me on the absolute awesomeness of this burger was the roasted pepper aioli with caramelized onions; they’re a one-two punch which I had no problem being knocked out by.

The Billy Burger from ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos in North Beach, Florida
Billy Burger w/Miami Smokers Bacon, Caramelized Onions, Colby Jack Cheese & Roasted Pepper Aioli

I didn’t try the churrasco steak as I ordered it for Marcela. I had them plate it and then pack it up…I know….what a pain in the ass I am. Hey, at least I got a great picture out of it.

Churrasco Steak from ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos in North Beach, Florida
Churrasco Steak w/Malanga Puree, Flamed Cherry Tomatoes & Chimichurri

I struggled but made it to dessert. I needed to tag someone in, but at least I made room for one guava & cheese donut…..glad I did.

Guava & Cream Cheese Donuts from ITO Mojitos y Cafecitos in North Beach, Florida
Guava & Cream Cheese Donuts

You’ll notice I didn’t have a Mojito or a Cafecito from ITO, even though the name implies that you probably should enjoy one or both. Why didn’t I? Cause I’m a rebel Dottie….cause I’m a rebel.

ITO Mojitos & Cafecitos is CLOSED
7450 Ocean Terrace
North Beach, FL

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