Carne Asada Tortilleria Nica Fritanga is located in El Centro Comercial Managua. Carne Asada Tortilleria Nica (10404 W Flagler Street, Miami) is one of many fritangas found in the Sweetwater part of town.
Sweetwater is the hub of the Nicaraguan community in South Florida. Since that’s the case, El Centro Comercial Managua would probably be its White House.
You can also find the very popular Raspados Loly’s in this strip mall.
Since Marcela is Nicaraguan, I was thrust into the world of their food more than 20 years ago. Before that, I had limited exposure to it.
The main issue that I find with some fritangas is inconsistency. Sometimes I’ll have a great meal, and next time it’s the opposite.
Carne Asada Tortilleria Nica is up there with the best fritangas I’ve tried. The carne asada’s seasoning is perfect, and the queso frito is the right amount of crispy.
It had been a while since I had eaten here, but I made it back on two consecutive days. Both meals were stellar, and don’t forget the tajadas as I did on the first day.
P.S.: Please don’t hate me for having white rice instead of Gallo Pinto.