Burger Beast Burger Club

It took a few mentions on Twitter to finally push me to launch the Burger Beast Burger Club. I often try a burger creation that is available for a minimal time, and I wish I could share it with those who would appreciate it the most, aka the Burger Beast reader.

About the Burger Beast Burger Club

About the Burger Beast Burger Club

We will meet throughout the year and enjoy a burger(s) with a side(s), dessert, and drink(s). The drink might be beer, wine, cocktail, or all of the above. You will not know precisely what you eat until you arrive at the event.

Once you join, I will email you a few more details, some of which might be secret. You’ll have to trust me, but if you’ve followed me for the last 14 years, you know I always swing for the fences.

Burger Beast Burger Club

Remember, you don’t know all the rules, so don’t make this any more complicated than it needs to be.