Heather Gear makes the Best Whopper in the United States, and she lives in Ohio. It’s true, and I’ll explain how that happened.
Apparently, and unbeknownst to me, who lives a few blocks from Burger King Headquarters in Miami, there is a Whopper Challenge competition.
In early October, Heather Gear bested five others who had won local and divisional Whopper Challenge contests. In the competition, they were tasked with preparing three sandwiches within three minutes.
Her performance was assessed based on factors such as speed, precision, weight, overall presentation, and the cleanliness of the sandwich. In addition to the Golden Whopper trophy, she also received a check for $10,000.
Congrats to Heather, and In case you’d like to visit the Whopper Challenge Champion, her home, Burger King store #1857, is located in Oregon, Ohio, at 2966 Navarre Avenue.